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Kafka batch consume trace broken

xiangtianyu opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

When i use kafka batch consume, the trace will broken

Steps to reproduce

public class SpringKafkaController {
    private KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate;

    public String sendMessage() {
        kafkaTemplate.send("test-topic", "test");
        return "success";

    @KafkaListener(topics = {"test-topic"})
    public void listen(List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> records) {"receive message");

        records.forEach(ConsumerRecord -> {
  "topic: {}, partition: {}, offset: {}, key: {}, value: {}", ConsumerRecord.topic(), ConsumerRecord.partition(), ConsumerRecord.offset(), ConsumerRecord.key(), ConsumerRecord.value());

consumer log trace will disappear when i set batch consumer "spring.kafka.listener.type=batch", ps: when the type is single, it's all ok

Expected behavior

show trace normally

Actual behavior

no trace info

Javaagent or library instrumentation version



JDK: 8
OS: macos

Additional context

No response

@xiangtianyu Please provide a minimal application that reproduces your issue.

@xiangtianyu Please provide a minimal application that reproduces your issue.

I didn't try to run the sample app. My guess is that since you are using spring-kafka:2.5.14.RELEASE which is older than 2.7.0 that is the earliest supported version you get the spans from plain kafka client instrumentation. Spans for the spring kafka listener methods are created by spring-kafka instrumentation so not having a trace in"receive message"); isn't surprising. Kafka client instruments iterating over ConsumerRecords, here you are using List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> so that not working is also expected.

I didn't try to run the sample app. My guess is that since you are using spring-kafka:2.5.14.RELEASE which is older than 2.7.0 that is the earliest supported version you get the spans from plain kafka client instrumentation. Spans for the spring kafka listener methods are created by spring-kafka instrumentation so not having a trace in"receive message"); isn't surprising. Kafka client instruments iterating over ConsumerRecords, here you are using List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> so that not working is also expected.

You are right, i tried to use 2.7.0, the trace is all ok. So it means that old version kafka will not support in the future? I must update my kafka version?

So it means that old version kafka will not support in the future?

If a reasonable PR is provided older versions may be supported.

I must update my kafka version?

either update spring kafka version or rework the instrumentation to support older versions

Thanks, i will consider it