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Rule checking System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource version for net7.0 failing on correct configuration

pjanotti opened this issue · comments

Bug Report

Error log from user shows the issue on net6.0, however, I wasn't able to repro that


A correct configuration on .NET 7.0 can result in the rule validating System.Diganostics.DiagnosticSource version incorrectly indicating a version problem. Example:

This only happens if the runtime is prior to .NET 7.0.4, all others will load a version accepted by the rule. The issue is made more visible via docker because if a cached image of something like can have an older .NET runtime.

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Log with this problem:

2023-09-07T13:23:45.7884573Z] [Debug] Rule Engine: dotnet is not in the exclusion list. ApplicationInExcludeListRule evaluation success.
[2023-09-07T13:23:46.0068444Z] [Information] Rule Engine: MinSupportedFrameworkRule evaluation success.
[2023-09-07T13:23:46.0132213Z] [Information] Rule Engine: OpenTelemetrySdkMinimumVersionRule evaluation success.
[2023-09-07T13:23:46.0782108Z] [Error] Rule Engine: Application has direct or indirect reference to older version of System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll 6.0.2123.36311.
[2023-09-07T13:23:46.0826856Z] [Error] Rule 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource Validator' failed: Ensure that the System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource version is not older than the version used by the Automatic Instrumentation
[2023-09-07T13:23:46.3057769Z] [Error] Error in StartupHook initialization: LoaderFolderLocation: /root/.otel-dotnet-auto/net
Exception: Rule Engine Failure: One or more rules failed validation. Automatic Instrumentation won't be loaded.
System.Exception: Rule Engine Failure: One or more rules failed validation. Automatic Instrumentation won't be loaded.
   at StartupHook.Initialize() in /project/src/OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.StartupHook/StartupHook.cs:line 47

Runtime environment (please complete the following information):

  • OpenTelemetry Automatic Instrumentation version: 1.0.0
  • .NET version: any .NET release that shipped a version of System.Diganostics.DiagnosticSource smaller than one shipped by auto-instrumentation.


Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Build a console app targeting .NET 7.0 that shipped an version of S.D.DS prior to file version 7.0.423.11508. Disable roll-forward if a .NET runtime with S.D.DS greater than 7.0.423.11508 is available.
  2. Setup auto-instrumentation
  3. Run the console app.

The issue doesn't happen with TFM net6.0 because the AdditionalDeps+SharedStore causes the runtime to load the desired version. The SharedStore for net7.0 doesn't include S.D.DS assembly, since the AdditionalDeps is built using a SDK post+7.0.4, see .


  • Disable the rules by setting the environment variable OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_RULE_ENGINE_ENABLED to false.
  • Update the runtime to the latest 7.* version. If using docker image like do a docker pull to update the image to the latest runtime.

Root cause

The rule attempts to load a type from S.D.DS using only the name of the assembly, without a version, and before the AssemblyResolve callback is in place. This causes the application to load the version shipped with the runtime.