open-telemetry / opentelemetry-collector

OpenTelemetry Collector

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Builder tool name is inconsistent

jpeach opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
The builder tool is alternately named ocb, builder or opentelemetry-collector-builder, depending on where you look.

Steps to reproduce
Download a release binary, e.g. ocb_0.54.0_darwin_amd64

$ ./ocb_0.54.0_darwin_arm64 --help
OpenTelemetry Collector distribution builder (0.54.0)

  builder [flags]
  builder [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  version     Version of opentelemetry-collector-builder

      --config string            config file (default is $HOME/.otelcol-builder.yaml)
      --description string       A descriptive name for the OpenTelemetry Collector distribution (default "Custom OpenTelemetry Collector distribution")
      --go string                The Go binary to use during the compilation phase. Default: go from the PATH
  -h, --help                     help for builder
      --module string            The Go module for the new distribution (default "")
      --name string              The executable name for the OpenTelemetry Collector distribution (default "otelcol-custom")
      --otelcol-version string   Which version of OpenTelemetry Collector to use as base (default "0.54.0")
      --output-path string       Where to write the resulting files (default "/var/folders/hf/8frlwk6s40j0wj3jpgbq94z00000gp/T/otelcol-distribution2878501842")
      --skip-compilation         Whether builder should only generate go code with no compile of the collector (default false)
      --version string           The version for the OpenTelemetry Collector distribution (default "1.0.0")

Use "builder [command] --help" for more information about a command.

What did you expect to see?
A consistent name for the builder tool.

What did you see instead?
The release process names the tool ocb, the subcommand name is builder and the version help calls it opentelemetry-collector-builder. And I guess the config file implies the tool would be otelcol-builder.

What version did you use?
Version: 0.54.0

What config did you use?
Config: N/A

OS: Darwin
Compiler(if manually compiled): N/A

ocb stands for opentelemetry-collector-builder, so, both versions would work. The others were names we used previously in different contexts, so, it would be OK to replace them by either ocb or opentelemetry-collector-builder.

@jpkrohling WDYT if I standardize all the names to otel-builder?

It has to be otelcol-builder then. Sounds good to me, although I still prefer ocb. What do other @open-telemetry/collector-approvers think?

It has to be otelcol-builder then.

Hmm, I was suggesting otel-builder to be symmetric with otel-collector, which I thought was the standard binary name, but it looks like the default name is otelcol-custom, so maybe this is less standardized than I had thought.

I was suggesting otel-builder to be symmetric with otel-collector

Right, but the builder isn't at the same level as "otel-collector", as it's a tool that builds "otelcol" binaries.

OK, I'll knock up a PR to standardize on ocb then 👍