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Empowering Your Open Source Journey: From First Contribution to Project Leadership

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Add Your Repository once You've Finished the Maintainer Course! (Do not close)

BekahHW opened this issue Β· comments

Congratulations, if you've finished the Becoming a Maintainer Course πŸŽ‰ We'd love to amplify your course. Let's start by adding it to the course guestbook.

How to Add Your Repo

  • Fork and clone this repository.

  • In the file, add your project to the bottom of the list following this format:

    [project name](link to your repository) by [GitHub username](link to your GitHub profile)
  • Next, create a pull request with the title: feat: adds repo to guestbook

If you'd like us to tag you in our shoutouts on social media, include your X/Twitter username and/or username in the description.