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Not able to verify NodeSelector Exists or not

bj-1795 opened this issue · comments

Hi I am new to OPA, I want to add policy that nodeslector should exists in pod.
I have made the below code not able to warap my head around the issue with this as not able to get desired output.

package kubernetes.admission

deny[reason] {
input.request.kind.kind == "Pod"
input.request.operation == "CREATE"
not count(input.request.object.spec.nodeSelector) > 0
reason := "pod with nodeselector not allowed at the specified location"

"deny": []


I don't think you need to count the nodeSelector attributes - simply checking for existence would be enough.

deny[reason] {
    input.request.kind.kind == "Pod"
    input.request.operation == "CREATE"

    reason := "pod with nodeselector not allowed at the specified location"

You'd probably want to do the same for UPDATE requests too.

@anderseknert I am getting this output for both cases, its not giving desired output msg in rego playground

"deny": []

Could you provide a link to your playground policy and input? Just use the "Publish" button and then copy the link.

Thanks! You don't seem to have the object attribute under input.request .. but rather the spec is placed right under it.

Tried again :- I am getting same output, not sure what this means

Looking closer, there isn't even a request object in your input. You'd need to add both that and object if you want to mimic an AdmissionReview request.

This seems to be a correct input, but result is still same.

There is no operation in the input of your request. same output @anderseknert I am not sure what I am doing wrong

Your policy is right, but your data isn't. The operation attribute needs to be under input.request, not input.request.object. Though in this latest version of your data you seem to also have removed the nodeSelector from the pod spec, so you'll need to add that back too in order for the deny rule to evaluate. This is working as expected it seems

Yes, the policy was correct but your input data wasn't. I guess you can close the issue now :)

@anderseknert I tried using this policy, in my kubernetes cluster, I was able to create pods even with nodeselector, this policy seems not to work.

Not sure how you come to that conclusion after having verified the policy with real input data. It seems more likely that something is missing in your admission controller webhook configuration.

I have used following webhook confg:

kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
name: opa-validating-webhook

  • name:
    • key:
      operator: NotIn
      • ignore
    • operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
      apiGroups: [""]
      apiVersions: ["
      resources: ["*"]
      caBundle: something
      namespace: opa
      name: opa

Have you been following the steps outlined in the tutorial here?

following this tutorial:
I got annotation status ok, is it because of deprecated v1beta version in webhook file, I am using minikube for poc, really stuck here.

Going to close this for now since it's been almost a year. Did you manage to solve this eventually?