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[Docs] Custom Dataset Training with PoseC3D

mohammed-alaa40123 opened this issue · comments

The doc issue

The tutorial needs to be updated because it says
ann_file_train = 'data/posec3d/custom_dataset_train.pkl' # Your annotation for training
ann_file_val = 'data/posec3d/custom_dataset_val.pkl' # Your annotation for validation

and there is only one ann_file in the config file then in the train/test/val data loaders do the splitting.

Another issue I encountered while using the ntu_pose_extraction I get only the annotations stored in the pkl file based on the old documentation in the website
But the new format of the pose3d annotations suggests this

I need some explanation if possible as I get this error
File "/content/drive/MyDrive/mmaction/mmaction2/mmaction/datasets/", line 66, in load_data_list
split, annos = data_list['split'], data_list['annotations']
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

because my annotations.pkl file doesn't match the new pose_dataset format

dict_keys(['keypoint', 'keypoint_score', 'frame_dir', 'img_shape', 'original_shape', 'total_frames', 'label'])
This is the keys I find in the annotations pickle file There is no split nor annotations

import os
import random
import pickle

Path to the folder containing the pickle files (relative to the current working directory)

pkl_folder = ''

List to store paths of all pickle files

pkl_files = []

Iterate over each file in the folder

for file_name in os.listdir(pkl_folder):
if file_name.endswith('.pkl'):
pkl_files.append(os.path.join(pkl_folder, file_name))

Shuffle the list of pickle files


Calculate the split index for training and validation

split_index = int(0.8 * len(pkl_files))

Split the list of pickle files into training and validation sets

train_files = pkl_files[:split_index]
val_files = pkl_files[split_index:]

Function to merge pickle files

def merge_pickles(pickle_files, output_file):
split = {'xsub_train': [], 'xsub_val': [], 'xview_train': [], 'xview_val': []}
annotations = []

for pkl_file in pickle_files:
    with open(pkl_file, 'rb') as f:
        data = pickle.load(f)
        # Update split dictionary and combine annotations

        # Assign videos to splits based on their indices
        if pkl_file in train_files:

# Save merged data into a single pickle file
merged_data = {'split': split, 'annotations': annotations}
with open(output_file, 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(merged_data, f)

Merge pickle files for training and validation

merge_pickles(train_files + val_files, 'merged_data.pkl')

print("Merge completed!")

This should solve the problem in the annotations.pkl file :)