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[Docs] Fine-tuning ActionClip

CarmelaCalabrese opened this issue · comments

The doc issue

I am interested in fine-tuning ActionClip on my personal dataset. There isn't a dedicated section in the project page but I think I should follow this procedure: by leveraging this line of code:
mim train mmaction configs/

However, I have a few doubts:

  • the configuration file that I should start from, hasn't the "head" that should be modified according to the "finetuning guide". I suppose it is due to the CLIP architecture at the base of ActionCLIP or am I missing anything?
  • how do I know which part is kept frozen? In the original paper, in Table 5, the authors show different fine-tuning procedures. I want to be sure of what I am training.
  • other suggestions I should focus on?

Thank you in advance for your clarification!

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