open-mmlab / denseflow

Extracting optical flow and frames

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Issue running denseflow with docker

RabiaCodes opened this issue · comments

I am trying to run denseflow on docker. But i get this error. How can i resolve this?

docker run [docker_image:mytag] path/to/video -b=20 -a=tvl1 -s=1 -v
OpenCV(4.5.2) /opencv/modules/core/src/cuda_info.cpp:73: error: (-217:Gpu API call) CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version in function 'setDevice'


I have the same error too.

Hi, @RabiaCodes

I guess you should add the --gpus all parameter when running denseflow on docker.

sudo docker run --gpus all

But I didn't test it. I failed to build it locally. And has anyone successfully built it and pushed it to Docker Hub? Thank you!

In the Dockerfile, you have to set the CUDA and CUDNN versions such that it pulls a base container compatible with your graphics card, and you have to set the CUDA_GENERATION to be that of your card also. I have and RTX 3080 and so these were 11.4.0, 8, and Ampere respectively.

I was already using the --gpus all and I think I had to install some nvidia runtime thing for docker as well before I found that to not solve this and updated these values. I do think the nvidia runtime is necessary also but can't say for sure.