open-dynaMIX / simple-mpv-webui

A web based user interface with controls for the mpv mediaplayer.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please make it more clear that this uses dependencies!

Thespikedballofdoom opened this issue · comments

I know it's not right to blame the dev because I'm a user that didnt read the whole readme and am intoxicated by my windows upbringing but please make it more clear at the start of the readme or something that this has dependencies that aren't included by default. I have been freaking out all day and was about to give up MPV because it was my first time installing it and seeing that plugins didnt work and that windows users are 'second-class' made me miserable.

Especially at the part after Usage, when I see dependencies my brain already is thinking "ok something included already in the download probably, it just says clone the repo", and I didn't see that the installing for mpv <v0.33.0 was a dropdown so I just didn't read it because I was on a newer version and completely missed the thing about dependency information.