open-dust / cairo-foundry

Foundry like framework for starknet contracts

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Doc - Create an interaction diagram for Cairo-Foundry

Eikix opened this issue · comments

Create a sequence diagram to describe low level and precise interactions that occur during a Cairo-Foundry run.

Good example from Kakarot's repo:

    title Simple bytecode execution flow example: [PUSH1 0x01 PUSH1 0x02 ADD]
    actor User
    participant Kakarot
    participant ExecutionContext
    participant EVMInstructions
    participant ArithmeticOperations
    participant PushOperations
    participant Stack
    User->>+Kakarot: execute(value, code, calldata)
    Kakarot->>+EVMInstructions: generate_instructions()
    EVMInstructions->>-Kakarot: instructions
    Kakarot->>+ExecutionContext: compute_intrinsic_gas_cost()
    ExecutionContext->>-Kakarot: ctx
    Kakarot->>Kakarot: run(instructions, ctx)
    loop opcode
        Kakarot->>+EVMInstructions: decode_and_execute(instructions, ctx)
        EVMInstructions->>EVMInstructions: retrieve the current program counter
        Note over EVMInstructions: revert if pc < 0, stop if pc > length of code
        EVMInstructions->>EVMInstructions: read opcode associated function from instruction set
        Note over PushOperations, Stack: x2 PUSH a=1, PUSH b=2
        EVMInstructions->>+PushOperations: exec_push1(ctx)
        PushOperations->>Stack: push(stack, element)
        PushOperations->>-EVMInstructions: ctx
        EVMInstructions->>+ArithmeticOperations: exec_add(ctx)
        Note over PushOperations, Stack: x2 POP a, POP b
        ArithmeticOperations->>Stack: pop(stack)
        Stack->>ArithmeticOperations: element
        ArithmeticOperations->>Stack: push(stack, result)
        ArithmeticOperations->>-EVMInstructions: ctx
        EVMInstructions->>-Kakarot: ctx
    Kakarot->>-User: ctx