onu-ui / onu-ui

Bullheaded and lightweight UnoCSS ui library.

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πŸ“Œ Components & Feature todo list

zyyv opened this issue Β· comments

Feature Name Mentioned Progression(🚧 βœ… πŸ†•βŒ οΌ‰
Build production optimization #65 🚧
Carousel #47 🚧
Collapse #54 βœ…
Popup #59 βœ…
Tooltip #46 🚧
Radio #56 🚧
Input #41 🚧
Dialog 🚧
Switch #18 βœ…
Rate #62 βœ…
Message #43 βœ…
Checkbox #27 βœ…
Avatar #17 βœ…
Card #25 βœ…
Icon βœ…
Tag #39 βœ…
Alert #32 βœ…
Button #2 βœ…

@chris-zhu You can pin this issue.

Dark Mode adaptation:

Component Name Mentioned Progression(🚧 βœ… πŸ†•βŒ οΌ‰
Carousel 🚧
Collapse 🚧
Popup 🚧
Tooltip 🚧
Radio 🚧
Input 🚧
Dialog   🚧
Switch 🚧
Message 🚧
Checkbox 🚧
Avatar 🚧
Card βœ…
Icon   🚧
Tag 🚧
Alert βœ…
Button 🚧

Some existing problems are sorted out:

  • Currently the component library build does not export the declaration related file, I will fix this part.
  • At present, the component library only supports on-demand import. The full import test found that there was a problem, and Vue did not successfully register the component library fully.
  • The component library provides the props for the ide code. Currently, the props can only be used with volar, but the props cannot be used for possible values, such as type and size.
  • Dark mode is not yet compatible.
  • Some components mistakenly use the UnoCSS selector and package this part of unmatch.
  • Component documentation and global documentation need to be refined.
  • Component libraries support theme configuration.
  • The component library supports multiple language switching.

Maybe need to a Chinese version's docs

Maybe need to a Chinese version's docs

Yes, this will be an important task in our next plan.

See details of the next step: #64.

@yzh990918 I can help with either the radio, input or carousel. UI wise I would have to see what you want of them though.

@yzh990918 I can help with either the radio, input or carousel. UI wise I would have to see what you want of them though.

Thanks for the reply, the update of onu is going to be put on hold for a while, and I have been busy looking for a job recently.If you have good suggestions, welcome PR ❀️