onu-ui / onu-ui

Bullheaded and lightweight UnoCSS ui library.

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Icons coloring didnt working on stackblitz example out of box

npdev453 opened this issue · comments



(o-icon coloring is realy seems to be fragile and hard to tune)



Playgroud is dirty, have hidden configuration, files app.vue, vite.config and uno.config are hidden, also if it builded from repo, they have an shadow deps from parent folder.

Code on stackblitz is more looks like starter

So I make only one change, just add to footer two icons with different colors:

 <o-icon o="error" name="i-carbon-moon" class="mr-1"></o-icon>
 <o-icon o="warn" name="i-carbon-moon" class="mr-1"></o-icon>


ps: Also I got the same error when trying to configure repo first time because use whole starter example from stackblitz

@npdev453 https://onu.zyob.top/guide/install.html#custom-unocss-config You need to inject Onu's presets, then it will works.