onokumus / metismenu

A collapsible jQuery menu plugin

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Issue with typings

bmrinal opened this issue · comments





I am trying to integrate metismenu in my angular2 project. To start with, i installed & imported the jquery typings which works fine. In essence jquery was made available.

I then installed metismenu with npm install metismenu --save and also installed the typings like this npm install --save-dev @types/metismenu. But ng-cli returns /node_modules/@types/metismenu/index.d.ts' is not a module

Hi @denisname, @Ks89
Could you look at the problem above?

I also had problems with metismenu on angular2. I decided to implement a feature that I like by myself in a pure angular way.

An angular wrapper for metismenu will be really appreciated :)

I'm sorry but I can't help you.

I believe it can just work but typings seems to be off. Any takers for fixing the typings for metismenu? I can easily put up a ng2 wrapper above this once that happens!