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:trident: CommonCrypto in Swift, and more

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How to lint this pod?

TienVu-PW opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm trying to integrate CommonCrypto into my Cocoapods project, I found yours and see how you do it, but when i do pod lib lint, it return error no such module 'CCommonCrypto', so how can you lint and upload to pod base?

Hi, I'm trying to integrate CommonCrypto into my Cocoapods project, I found yours and see how you do it, but when i do pod lib lint, it return error no such module 'CCommonCrypto', so how can you lint and upload to pod base?


@TienVu-PW @jinlongyu123 Hi, sorry for late reply. For pods with modulemap, pod lib lint does not seem to work, but pod spec lint and simply pod trunk push works.