only-cliches / cpp-wasm-loader

C/C++ to WASM Webpack Loader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

'build' path isn't taken into account

badescuga opened this issue · comments

Although i pass the build path to the loader, it doesn't take it into account. Thus, my .wasm file ends up in the root of the project.

        test: /\.(c|cpp)$/,
         use: {
        loader: 'cpp-wasm-loader',
        options: {
          // Path to your 'build' or 'dist' directory relative to project root
          buildPath: 'build',
        //    emccPath: './emsdk',
        //   emccFlags: ['-O3']

This parameter actually meant something different, but it was obsolete and wasn't used. What do you want to achieve? When you build your project with webpack, you want to store the .wasm files in a folder, for example dist/wasm/*.wasm?

yeah, i want as you describe @Kobzol -- i have my webpack setup with a publicPath: /__build__/, so I need to essentially become wasmBinaryFile: '/__build__/' + wasmName -- is there a way to achieve that, especially w/o explicitly re-specifying the publicPath for this loader? I've never dug into the guts of a webpack loader before, but can the loader access the "globally" configured publicPath?

looks like maybe __webpack_public_path__ could be used

guess not. tried it, got "ReferenceError: webpack_public_path is not defined". still investigating.

ah, maybe the problem isn't to set that wasmBinaryFile as i thought. it seems the compiled js from emcc contains var wasmBinaryFile = 'filename-without-publicPath.wasm';. so perhaps there's a flag that can be passed to emcc to resolve this...

aha! i think the key lies in injection the option locateFile into the Module of


that's the idea, anyway, but actually that Module gets stringified later, so we can't just stick a function there (cuz functions get lost in JSON.stringify), we'd have to stick it in the template string that follows. no big deal. but the last missing piece is I still haven't figured out how to get the publicPath from inside the loader.

Closing this issue since it's been resolved with PR.