onevcat / FengNiao

A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

error: product dependency 'CommandLineKit' not found

jeniva opened this issue · comments

localhost:FengNiao test01$ ./
error: product dependency 'CommandLineKit' not found
error: product dependency 'CommandLineKit' not found
cp: .build/release/FengNiao: No such file or directory

Not sure why. Maybe it worths to try a full clean or re-download the source.

屏幕快照 2019-07-01 10 22 36

Not sure why you provide a screenshot of Xcode.

Can you try to run the command below and paste the result if it fails?

git clone
cd FengNiao

I guess it should be find if you have at least Xcode 10 installed (and as the command line tool be in used.)

屏幕快照 2019-07-01 11 09 51
我有安装xcode9.2 和Xcode10.2,不过我目前主要使用的是Xcode9.2,看截图,目前送使用的 command line tool 应该是Xcode9.2下面的吧

嗯..换到 10 试试看吧...Xcode 9 的话有可能是不支持的,因为 Swift lang 大家都换到 4.2 了吧..
