onetonfoot / Kuber.jl

Julia Kubernetes Client

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A Julia Kubernetes Client.

An easy to use API to access Kubernetes clusters from Julia. The Kuber.Kubernetes submodule has the complete set of low level APIs and entities.

Most of the low level APIs fit into a common usage pattern. Kuber.jl makes it possible to use all of them with only a few intuitive verb based APIs. Verbs act on entities. Entities can be identified by names or selector patterns, or otherwise can apply to all entities of that class. Verbs can take additional parameters, e.g. when creating or updating entities.

API and Entity naming convention follows the standard Kubernetes API and Model naming conventions.

Here are a few helpful resources:

  • Tutorial on using Kuber.jl.
  • Article on using metrics and custom metrics with Kuber.jl


Any Kubernetes entity supported. APIs identify an entity by symbol named as per Kubernetes naming convention.

  • :Namespace
  • :Pod
  • :ReplicationController
  • :Service
  • :PersistentVolume
  • :Job
  • ...


Kubernetes APIs are mapped to these easy to use verbs, familiar to Julia users.

  • get: list or fetch entities
  • list: list entities
  • put!: create entities
  • update!: update existing entities
  • delete!: delete existing entities
  • sel: creates a label selector to use with other verbs

All verbs have the signature: verb(ctx::KuberContext, T::Symbol, args...; kwargs...).

Helper methods:

A Kubernetes context can be manipulated with:

  • set_server: Set the API server location
  • set_ns: Set the namespace to deal with

Other convenience methods:

  • kuber_type: identify the Julia object corresponding to the Kubernetes specification
  • kuber_obj: instantiate a Julia object from for the supplied Kubernetes specification
  • Helper methods for accessing metrics



Julia Kubernetes Client



Language:Julia 100.0%Language:Shell 0.0%