oneohthree / bootify

Bash script to make USB drives bootables with Windows 7/8/8.1/10 installation files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feature : use rsync instead of cp to view the progression

sebma opened this issue · comments



First, let me congratulate for this great tool !

Why not use rsync instead of cp ?

To copy to a NTFS system, I use this command :

rsyncCP -pr /tmp/src/ /media/$USER/Win7_USB_Installer/

where rsyncCP is an alias to time \rsync -uth -P -z -v

To copy to a FAT32, I use this command :

rsyncCP -r --size-only /tmp/src/ /media/$USER/Win7_USB_Installer/

My intention was to use something more generic (every Linux distribution has cp available), in fact I use rsync myself, it's more verbose and powerful.


@oneohthree Hi, I guess rsync is kind of generic as well because it's installed on many desktop linux distributions

Well, in my experience I had to install rsync on several distributions. cp is part of the shell.


Maybe on server distributions but anyway.

There are other tools like gcp or pv, but one has to install them also.

I find it difficult to implement the copy progression in shell without using an extra tool, why not use rsync which is kind of standard ?

and why not add this rsync tool to your script dependencies in the checks function ?

Done in 119fdf2
Thanks for your support.


Thanks a lot :-)