onelang / OneLang

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sukhchainn opened this issue · comments

I am very interested in this project and I want to know how well does it compile to C language as I want to use it to transpile Python like code in C.

I will be motivated in contributing to this project if it can do the job.

Hi @sukhchainn!

OneLang currently does not compile to C, only C++. Also C support is not planned in the short-term as C is very different from the other supported languages (e.g. OO). I would say somewhat limited C support is realistic in ~1 year if the current development speed is kept.

If you want to compile from only one language (Python) to an another (C) I would suggest using a Python AST parser and try to generate valid C code by yourself. If you need for a specific use-case then you have a good chance that it will satisfy your needs without too much work.

Thanks for an honest reply. What I need is a parser which can compile an XML template containing Python code. The parser should be able to differentiate between XML code and Python code. Now I think that I would need to create it from scratch and because it's a very specific edge case. I think reading through your codebase will help me with making my own parser.

On Mon, 2 Mar, 2020, 10:12 PM Tamás Koczka, @.***> wrote: Hi @sukhchainn! OneLang currently does not compile to C, only C++. Also C support is not planned in the short-term as C is very different from the other supported languages (e.g. OO). I would say somewhat limited C support is realistic in ~1 year if the current development speed is kept. If you want to compile from only one language (Python) to an another (C) I would suggest using a Python AST parser and try to generate valid C code by yourself. If you need for a specific use-case then you have a good chance that it will satisfy your needs without too much work. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#38?email_source=notifications&email_token=AHU4P6Z535DGYNDYYSP6FVLRFPOWFA5CNFSM4K6XUOF2YY3PNVWWK3TUL52HS4DFVREXG43VMVBW63LNMVXHJKTDN5WW2ZLOORPWSZGOENQAUNI#issuecomment-593496629>, or unsubscribe .

I would be interested in such a project.. Hit me up if you make a start :)

I am not sure if I understand correctly, but I would parse a XML file with a XML library and then use the Python code stored as node values.

Meanwhile I remembered that there is an another project which supports much more languages: , in theory it can compile Python to C. You may want to give it a try. (I never really tested it deeply, so I don't know how well it works.)

There is also Transpyle: [] which has much of the infrastructure that Tamás suggests.
Re c++ the site says:

Only very basic syntax is supported currentl


Just found this at: maybe it will meet the need.

Python to C Compiler (ptc)

ptc is a source-to-source compiler for converting Python to C code. It aims to allow converted code to be dropped into a project as if it had been handwritten. It is written using the Rust programming language.