onebeyond / rascal

A config driven wrapper for amqp.node supporting multi-host connections, automatic error recovery, redelivery flood protection, transparent encryption / decryption and channel pooling.

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Add support for quorum queues

svrnwnsch opened this issue · comments

I would be very happy if it could be possible to use quorum queues in rabbitmq together with rascal.

Hi @svrnwnsch, I believe these should work out of the box. You just need to specify the appropriate queue arguments.

Thank you for the quick response I tried this before and there was some cryptic error. And I therefore assumed this was not supported.

But now it worked with an empty exchange. 🎉

As a suggestion maybe the could be updated to include a hint to use:

  arguments: {
    'x-queue-type': 'quorum',

Hi @svrnwnsch,

README currently has the following

To define a queue with extensions add arguments to the options block

  "queues": {
    "q1": {
      "options": {
        "durable": false,
        "arguments": {
          "x-message-ttl": 65000,
          "x-queue-mode": "lazy"

I don't want to update the readme every time the RabbitMQ team adds another extension, but given how important the quorum queues are, I'lll update to

To define a queue with extensions such as x-queue-type etc. add arguments to the options block, e.g.

At least that way a search of the README should find it. Make sense?