ondras / cyp

Control Your Player: a Web-based MPD client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

bin script entry point

mnzaki opened this issue · comments

A bin script entry point would be very helpful so that installation and usage can be simpler (npm install --global cyp)

This bin script would need to at least support configuration for passwords.json location and _youtube location, perhaps via command line arguments or via a configuration file (one file for passwords and other configs including _youtube?)
Also helpful if it opens the cyp URL in a browser.

A user can then just simply run cyp

Interesting idea!

So you suggest creating a new file/script, referenced from the bin field in package.json, that basically does node . ? Or what should the bin script actually do/contain?

And perhaps the passwords.json and _youtube can be just found relative to the running bin script?

(As you can see, I am not knowledgeable in this area. If you want, feel free to submit a PR.)