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The backup script complains about argument of the --folders when backing up the mariadb addon and doesn't create backup

0101binary0101 opened this issue · comments

In the backup script.
The mariadb backup doesn't complete correctly on my setup.

time="2021-01-21T23:45:34Z" level=fatal msg="Error while executing rootCmd: flag needs an argument: --folders"

So I commented out the --folders and it works ok

ha addons stop core_mariadb
ha snapshots new --addons core_mariadb --name $(date +"%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S")_core_mariadb # --folders ""
ha addons start core_mariadb

But I've not tried a restore yet.

I've just test and the instruction didn't raised any error:

ha snapshots new --addons core_mariadb --name $(date +"%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S")_core_mariadb --folders ""

Have you some error message and context on your setup ?
The folder option is here to not include any user folders in this snapshot. It's not an issue if you remove it but there is no reason it not works.


Here's it running and the error message

root@ha01-pi:/usr/share/hassio/share/backup-monitor# docker ps | grep rasp
f8971117f7c2   homeassistant/raspberrypi4-64-homeassistant:2021.1.5   "/init"                  5 days ago    Up 2 hours                                                                        homeassistant
root@ha01-pi:/usr/share/hassio/share/backup-monitor# docker ps | grep mariadb
ccdebf7e8cc3   homeassistant/aarch64-addon-mariadb:2.2.1              "/init"                  5 hours ago   Up 5 hours                                                                        addon_core_mariadb
root@ha01-pi:/usr/share/hassio/share/backup-monitor# cat just-mariadb.sh
# EN: Create partial snapshot for MariaDB only with addon stopped to avoid database corruption
ha addons stop core_mariadb
ha snapshots new --addons core_mariadb --name $(date +"%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S")_core_mariadb --folders ""
ha addons start core_mariadb

root@ha01-pi:/usr/share/hassio/share/backup-monitor# bash just-mariadb.sh
Command completed successfully.
Error: flag needs an argument: --folders
 ha snapshots new [flags]

 new, create, backup


 ha snapshots new
 ha snapshots new --addons core_ssh --addons core_mosquitto
 ha snapshots new --folders homeassistant

 -a, --addons stringArray    addons to backup, triggers a partial backup
 -f, --folders stringArray   folders to backup, triggers a partial backup
 -h, --help                  help for new
     --name string           Name of the snapshot
     --password string       Password

Global Flags:
     --api-token string   Home Assistant Supervisor API token
     --config string      Optional config file (default is $HOME/.homeassistant.yaml)
     --endpoint string    Endpoint for Home Assistant Supervisor (default is 'supervisor')
     --log-level string   Log level (defaults to Warn)
     --no-progress        Disable the progress spinner
     --raw-json           Output raw JSON from the API

time="2021-01-29T01:23:47Z" level=fatal msg="Error while executing rootCmd: flag needs an argument: --folders"
Command completed successfully.

OK thank you. Can you share details on your installation and version used ?

Info was on the last screen ... but here's a different way of viewing it. It's 2021.1.15.. I think the folders just can't be an empty string for release.

root@ha01-pi:/usr/share/hassio/share/backup-monitor# ha core info
arch: aarch64
audio_input: None
audio_output: None
boot: true
image: homeassistant/raspberrypi4-64-homeassistant
last_version: 2021.1.5
machine: raspberrypi4-64
port: 8123
ssl: false
update_available: false
version: 2021.1.5
version_latest: 2021.1.5
wait_boot: 600
watchdog: true

I can't reproduce on my install:
Capture d’écran 2021-01-30 à 09 03 47

Could it be other part of the install ?
I'm running Home Assistant OS 5.10. And the shell command is run in SSH & Web Terminal (7.8.0) addon.
I didn't succeed to get the version of the ha cli command.

Looks like a bug to me in the cli since a null value "" almost implies that it's invalid and should be one of the values listed.

root@ha01-pi:/usr/share/hassio/backup# ha snapshot new --addons hassio_cli --name test --folders junk
Error: value must be one of ['addons/local', 'homeassistant', 'media', 'share', 'ssl'] @ data['folders'][0]. Got 'junk'

I personally wouldn't have a --folders "" it seems a bit nonsensical , the following shows if you did or didn't include a valid argument.

root@ha01-pi:/usr/share/hassio/backup# ha snapshot new --addons hassio_cli --name test
slug: 8250a216
root@ha01-pi:/usr/share/hassio/backup# tar tvf 8250a216.tar
drwx------ root/root         0 2021-01-30 10:51 ./
-rw------- root/root       675 2021-01-30 10:51 ./snapshot.json
root@ha01-pi:/usr/share/hassio/backup# ha snapshot new --addons hassio_cli --name test2 --folders "addons/local"
slug: 8ae619e9
root@ha01-pi:/usr/share/hassio/backup# tar tvf 8ae619e9.tar
drwx------ root/root         0 2021-01-30 10:52 ./
-rw-r--r-- root/root       186 2021-01-30 10:52 ./addons_local.tar.gz
-rw------- root/root       698 2021-01-30 10:52 ./snapshot.json

OK initially I was expecting to have smaller archive with the --folder "". I've just made tests and it changes nothing neither the folders included nor the size.
So OK this is useless and seems source of bug in your context I will remove the option of the script.

Thank you for the chat on the topic @0101binary0101