oncesk / yii-node-socket

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hohvn opened this issue · comments

I have one issue when using load balancing. Please help me

fwrite(): send of 7 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe


232 * @return boolean
233 /
234 public function close() {
235 if ($this->fd) {
236 $this->write($this->encode(self::TYPE_DISCONNECT, Payload::OPCODE_CLOSE), false);
237 fclose($this->fd);
238 return true;
239 }
240 return false;
241 }
243 protected function write($data, $sleep = true) {
244 fwrite($this->getSocket(), $data);
245 // wait 100ms before closing connexion
246 if ($sleep) {
247 usleep(100 * 1000);
248 }
249 return $this;
250 }
252 /
253 * @return mixed
254 * @throws \RuntimeException
255 */
256 private function getSocket() {

Hi, did you always get this error?

yes, always :(

this is bad, what length of your data?
here whisller/IrcBotBundle#7 sugestion by adding "\n\r" to data, if this will works this is a magic=)

can you try send small data package?
and what logs on nodejs server side?

i added "\n\r" but it not work.
Here is nodejs server log

info: socket.io started
Listening moneydrop.vtvd.vn:8080
Set origin: moneydrop.vtvd.vn:*
debug: setting request GET /socket.io/1/websocket/KSWaZqJTUJzB59dG1Ieg
debug: set heartbeat interval for client KSWaZqJTUJzB59dG1Ieg
debug: websocket writing 7:::1+0
warn: client not handshaken client should reconnect
info: transport end (error)
debug: set close timeout for client KSWaZqJTUJzB59dG1Ieg
debug: cleared close timeout for client KSWaZqJTUJzB59dG1Ieg
debug: cleared heartbeat interval for client KSWaZqJTUJzB59dG1Ieg
debug: discarding transport

you can online debug here

warn: client not handshaken client should reconnect

somthing wrong with handshake


please edit hosts: moneydrop.vtvd.vn

try @

I use loadbalancing.
have two server. When show Login Form, LB in Server 1, but nodejs client connect Server 2. i thinks it is issue


ii understand this but you connect to nodejs from php

where nodejs server installed, on which server?

Nodejs install on 2 server. I duplicated it

can you show you node-socket component configuration in config file?

seems like you connect via domain to nodejs and load balancer redirect you to other server, maybe add moneydrop.vtvd.vn to /etc/hosts on your servers

listen port 6666 for nodejs

NodeJS in Server 1 run port 8080
NodeJS in Server2 run port 8080

Client connect to websocket server at

return array(
'name'=>'My Console Application',

    // preloading 'log' component

    // application components
    'nodeSocket' => array(
        'class' => 'application.extensions.yii-node-socket.lib.php.NodeSocket',
      //  'host' => '',  // default is, can be ip or domain name, without http
        'host' => 'moneydrop.vtvd.vn',

'loadbalancing_host' => 'moneydrop.vtvd.vn',
'loadbalancing_port' => 6666,
'port' => 8080 // default is 3001, should be integer
'commandMap' => array(
'server' => 'application.extensions.yii-node-socket.lib.php.NodeSocketCommand'

'nodeSocket' => array(
'class' => 'application.extensions.yii-node-socket.lib.php.NodeSocket',
// 'host' => '', // default is, can be ip or domain name, without http
'host' => 'moneydrop.vtvd.vn',
'port' => 6666 // default is 3001, should be integer

Server 2 like it

now i use your config and i have no errors, can you see nodejs logs?

and i think this is not correct for nodejs because nodejs storing data in memory in this case data on server 1 and server 2 may be different, you can get strange behavior using this configuration, use can be logged in on server 1 but on server 2 is not

oh, you need edit file client.template.js
function YiiNodeSocket() {
var server_host = 'http://host;?>:port;?>/client';
var is_loadbalancing = 'loadbalancing_host;?>';
if(is_loadbalancing != ''){
server_host = 'http://loadbalancing_host;?>:loadbalancing_port;?>/client';

i test it in php

okie, i'll check it. thanks you so much


Hey Hovn, did you get success with Load Balancing? We have same situation...

hi, your nodejs logs the same like above?


We haven't tested on 2 servers at same time yet, I'm just trying to understand if it's possible to make it work with a cluster.

its possible, but need some work, your need something like memcache or redis for node synchronization, somewhere i did it

  • socket.io can do it from 1.0 version, your only need add some configuration, but you need to implement you nodejs and php (using elephantio of newer version) logic by yourself
  • implement it in this extension, you need to broadcast packages to all your nodes, i have some code for this purpose
  • does not use loadbalancer for nodejs

maybe in newer versions of socket.io that really simple, i do not watch socket.io changes now


Thank you Oncesk, we have patched elephant.io already. Will have a play and see what happens. Any suggestion on best method for autostart. Upstart seems to be a good solution: http://howtonode.org/deploying-node-upstart-monit

not at all)