Undefined constant 'LC_MESSAGES'
mynameisfreedom opened this issue · comments
I had the same issue while running Apache on Windows using XAMPP. The error seems to be related to this specific environment, as the sitemap works well on Ubuntu-Apache server and CentOS7-Nginx.
The manual suggests that this constant may not be available with all PHP compilations:
LC_MESSAGES for system responses (available if PHP was compiled with libintl)
As a workaround for a local development environment, you can always define this constant yourself. I'm using the following code snippet in my Kirby configuration file for development environment:
if (!defined('LC_MESSAGES')) {
define('LC_MESSAGES', 5);
Hello, @jpsjanne thank you very much for answering and for the workaround. In the meanwhile, I figured out that it is related to the Windows environment, but couldn't make a workaround.