omridevk / ng-keyboard-shortcuts

Dead Simple Keyboard Shortcuts Management for Angular

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Allow to differentiate between pressing key and modifier + key

yarres opened this issue · comments

In my use case, the user should be able to create a shortcut for a specific key (e.g. 'n') and another shortcut for the same key with a shift modifier (e.g. 'shift + n').

While using the package I was not able to make it work.

Here's a simplified example where both shortcuts will be triggered at the same time when the user enters 'shift + n'. The user would only want action B to be triggered.

 ngAfterViewInit() {
        key: "n",
        label: "Actions",
        description: "An action A",
        command: e => console.log("n clicked", { e }),
        preventDefault: true
        key: "shift + n",
        label: "Actions",
        description: "An action B",
        command: (output: ShortcutEventOutput) =>
          console.log("Shift + n clicked", output)

I don't know if there's a way to achieve that that I didn't find or if it's impossible currently.

Anyway, thanks for this package, it's really useful :)

Since ctrl and alt are available as alternatives, it's not that big a deal if shift + n and n are not distinguished by the package. The trade offs might not be acceptable.


I will look into it, AFAIK the longer sequence should win and be fire, but it I assume it depends on the order it was pressed. i.e if I pressed n then pressed shift while holding "n" I assume both events will fire, first the n, then the shift + n.
however, if shift is clicked first, I would expect that only the shift + n would fire.
Do you agree that this an acceptable behavior?
Or do you think we should wait a little to see if a combination key is pressed then if not, fire the single key event?
Please me let me know what you think.
And happy to hear you find this library helpful, hopefully I will be able to assist you with this matter as soon as possible.


In general, since there's a library that does very similar thing to what I do just not written with Rxjs or angular in mind (mousetrap), I try to keep feature parity with them and behavior parity as well, just for consistency has mousetrap has been the de-facto library for a while now for handling keyboard shortcut and I wouldn't want to diverge too much from their model.
I will check how they handle this scenario and see if I can make it behave the same.
Will keep you updated.
And again thanks for reporting the issue.


solved in version:
please update and let me know if the issue persist.

ngAfterViewInit() {
        key: "n",
        label: "Actions",
        description: "An action A",
        command: e => console.log("n clicked", { e }),
        preventDefault: true
        key: "N",
        label: "Actions",
        description: "An action B",
        command: (output: ShortcutEventOutput) =>
          console.log("Shift + n clicked", output)

Notice the change, instead of saying shift + n, i.e capital n, you should write capital N instead.
Thanks. let me know if this solution is good enough for you.