omnifaces / optimusfaces

Utility library for OmniFaces + PrimeFaces combined

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Formatting Instant(s)

mydeadlyvenoms opened this issue · comments


I am currently trying to format the Instant fields provided by OmniPersistence (e.g., created or lastModified) without success. They look like e.g., 2019-01-01T11:00:00Z. Is there a way to "globally" format them using a FacesConverter?

Unfortunately the following snippet does not work.

@FacesConverter(forClass = Instant.class)
public class InstantConverter implements Converter<Instant> {

    private final DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter;

    public InstantConverter() {
        dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss")

    public Instant getAsObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String value) {
        return dateTimeFormatter.parse(value, Instant::from);

    public String getAsString(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Instant value) {
        return dateTimeFormatter.format(value);


Thank you very much for your help.

Works for me. Remember to explicitly use <h:outputText>. Without it, JSF indeed won't try to find a converter on forClass. See also

Actually also not an OptimusFaces problem. The same problem would manifest when not using OptimusFaces.