omegahat / RCurl

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RCurl working in interactive mode but not through non-interactive

YvesCR opened this issue · comments

I have a script which call Rcurl that I want to automate.

, userpwd = "my_pwd"
, verbose=TRUE
, ftp.use.epsv=TRUE
, dirlistonly = T)

It works well in interactive mode.

when using cmd or powershell:
C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-3.6.0/bin/Rscript.exe "C:/test/my_test.R" >> "C:/test/log/my_test.log" 2>&1

It fails and return following error:

  • Trying my.server.address...
  • Connected to sftp.myaddress port 22 (#0)
  • SSH MD5 fingerprint: numbers here
  • SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
  • Using SSH public key file '(nil)'
  • Using SSH private key file ''
  • SSH public key authentication failed: Unable to extract public key from private key file: Unable to open private key file
  • Initialized password authentication
  • Authentication complete
  • Connection #0 to host sftp.myaddress left intact

Not sure if it a RCurl issue though.

closing issue, here. Issue was due to different environment :(