omar / ByteSize

ByteSize is a utility class that makes byte size representation in code easier by removing ambiguity of the value being represented. ByteSize is to bytes what System.TimeSpan is to time.

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Everything returns 0 with ByteSize.Parse or ByteSize.TryParse

erwinkramer opened this issue · comments


Installed the latest version from NuGet. Using Visual Studio 2015 targeting .NET 4.5 and made this code:

var m = ByteSize.Parse("1.55B").MegaBytes;
var n = ByteSize.Parse("24.44 gB").MegaBytes;

ByteSize output;
ByteSize.TryParse("24.44 gB", out output);
var o = output.MegaBytes;

All 3 variables (m,n,o) result in 0. Not sure what's the matter here.

The following example does work as intended:
var monthlyUsage = ByteSize.FromGigaBytes(10);

Thanks for filing the issue.

What culture/locale are you running in?


That seems to be the problem Omar,

My locale is '{nl-NL}'

If i set it manually, on the thread, to en-US like below it works just fine:
CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");

It should be working for {nl-NL} too, right?

Yes, it should work in nl-NL.

The nl-NL culture NumberDecimalSeparator is a , so the code is looking for that. It's not looking for the NumberGroupSeparator per locale. I believe that's the issue. See

My parallels isn't working (I'm on a Mac). I need to figure out how to get ByteSize setup for dotnet core and then I can fix this.

@erwinkramer, I just released v1.2.1 on NuGet with the fix. Thanks for reporting this.


@omar Thanks!