omar-dulaimi / prisma-trpc-generator

Prisma 2+ generator to emit fully implemented tRPC routers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Missing Aggregate field in schema.

omar-dulaimi opened this issue · comments

Discussed in #23

Originally posted by Revitate August 6, 2022
From prisma document (
and generated schema image
I think it has missing field _count, _avg, _sum, _min and _max in InputSchema.
Can you help me?

I think some router are generating some undefined operation. Why does this happens?

My schema is something like this:

// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs:

model Account {
  id                 String  @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
  userId             String  @map("user_id")
  type               String
  provider           String
  providerAccountId  String  @map("provider_account_id")
  refresh_token      String? @db.String
  access_token       String? @db.String
  expires_at         Int?
  token_type         String?
  scope              String?
  id_token           String? @db.String
  session_state      String?

  user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

  @@unique([provider, providerAccountId])

model Session {
  id           String   @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
  sessionToken String   @unique @map("session_token")
  userId       String   @map("user_id")
  expires      DateTime
  user         User     @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)


model User {
  id            String    @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
  name          String?
  email         String?   @unique
  emailVerified DateTime? @map("email_verified")
  image         String?
  accounts      Account[]
  sessions      Session[]


model VerificationToken {
  id         String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
  identifier String
  token      String   @unique
  expires    DateTime

  @@unique([identifier, token])

image I think some router are generating some undefined operation. Why does this happens?

My schema is something like this:

// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs:

model Account {
  id                 String  @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
  userId             String  @map("user_id")
  type               String
  provider           String
  providerAccountId  String  @map("provider_account_id")
  refresh_token      String? @db.String
  access_token       String? @db.String
  expires_at         Int?
  token_type         String?
  scope              String?
  id_token           String? @db.String
  session_state      String?

  user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

  @@unique([provider, providerAccountId])

model Session {
  id           String   @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
  sessionToken String   @unique @map("session_token")
  userId       String   @map("user_id")
  expires      DateTime
  user         User     @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)


model User {
  id            String    @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
  name          String?
  email         String?   @unique
  emailVerified DateTime? @map("email_verified")
  image         String?
  accounts      Account[]
  sessions      Session[]


model VerificationToken {
  id         String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
  identifier String
  token      String   @unique
  expires    DateTime

  @@unique([identifier, token])

Please create a separate issue for this, as it is not related to the current issue.