olmesm / sassy-slides

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sassy Slides

Creates a slide deck for distribution - running off markdown. The main intention is for white-label company slide decks.

Think quicker sprint review presentation creation

Uses a bunch of front end tools under the hood;

  • nunchucks
  • gulp
  • sass
  • auto-prefixer
  • remarkjs

To Run

Use nvm if node is not yet installed.

# Get the correct node version
nvm use

# Install dependencies
npm i

# Start Development
npm start

# Build Artifacts
npm run build

# Zip package Artifacts
npm run package

Add your assets as follows:

Type Location
Slide ./slides
Image ./public/images


Function key
Presenter mode p
Presentation screen c



Language:JavaScript 50.1%Language:CSS 37.9%Language:HTML 9.5%Language:Shell 2.5%