oliviermirat / MyAIGuide

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Retrieve, plot, store and check all of the data for Participant 5

oliviermirat opened this issue · comments

Create a script to retrieve all the data for Participant 5 from the raw data, plot all of this data with matplotlib and save all of this data into the folder data/preprocessed in a pickle format.This script would thus be very similar to the scripts https://github.com/oliviermirat/MyAIGuide/blob/master/scripts/1_createDataFrame.py and https://github.com/oliviermirat/MyAIGuide/blob/master/scripts/2_analyzeDataKnee.py that had been written a long time ago for Participant 1.
While creating the dataframe (with something like "i = pd.date_range("2015-11-19", periods=1700, freq="1D")", please make sure to adjust the starting date (here 2015-11-19) and the number of days inside the dataframe (here 1700) to fit what's needed for Participant 5. Also, while defining the different columns of the dataframe (in the 1_createDataFrame.py script, it's at line 28 with "d={..."), please only keep the columns relevant to the Participant 5.
Finally, very importantly: please manually check that the data that ends up in the dataframe is correct: to do that, please manually check a few (maybe 10 to 15) of the values of each column by comparing what ended up in the dataframe and what's in the raw data files. This is very important as we want to make sure that we are working with good data going forward.