OlivierLD / LFSF

Lycée Français de San Francisco

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Lycée Français de San Francisco

Git basics

First, you need to clone the repository (aka repo):

From wherever you like on your disk, somewhere you will remember

$ git clone https://github.com/OlivierLD/LFSF.git

This will create a LFSF folder reflecting the content of the repo as it is on github. By default, the branch is master. To see it:

$ cd LFSF
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

Usefull git commands (to begin with)

$ git status
$ git pull origin master
$ git fetch
$ git log

There is also a legally free book about git that can be downloaded from here.

Raspberry Pi, /etc/rc.local and friends

/etc/rc.local is a script executed as root when the machine starts.

This is typically where you would start the required servers, create symbolic links, this kind of things.

To start a command when opening the Graphical Desktop

This happens in ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart. Example:

@chromium-browser --incognito --kiosk [--force-device-scale-factor=0.90] http://localhost:9999/web/nmea/headup.html \
                                      [url.2] \
                                      [url.3] \

In our case, it can also be a static resource like this:

@chromium-browser --incognito --kiosk file:///home/pi/LFSF/web/index.html

No running server seem to be required here.

To know how to close tab, open tab, open window, etc, from the keyboard, look into the File menu of your Chrome browser. See in the Window menu how to navigate from tab to tab (Ctrl + Tab, Ctrl + Shft + Tab).

To prevent the desktop from going to sleep (no screen saver)

A Graphical Desktop will by default go to sleep if not solicited for a while, and we might not want that. To fix it:

  • Edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
  • Have a/the line that starts with xserver-command= to look like xserver-command=X -s 0 -dpms
  • This will take effect after reboot.

Usefull Software

To build a web site, hosted by github, see GitHubPages.



Lycée Français de San Francisco


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