olivernn / lunr.js

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Question re multiple search shards

alexlangeprvacera opened this issue · comments

Hello, olivernn and others

In #76 you wrote:

Perhaps a simpler approach is to have multiple indexes or shards, that each contain a subset of the documents you need to search.

Can you give me some guidance, please: how do I create multiple shards? Is a shard simply a separate index? as shown in your example at https://lunrjs.com/guides/getting_started.html#creating-an%0D-index ? on the idx.search function, how do a pass in the name of an index/shard?

Also is there any more concrete documentation about customizing lunr.js with mkdocs?

Please excuse my newbie questions. I am a techwriter, not a super programmer. So any kindly replies will be most appreciated. Thank you!