olimorris / persisted.nvim

💾 Simple session management for Neovim with git branching, autoloading and Telescope support

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[Bug]: sessions dir is empty and nothing opened when :SessionLoad

ruanyouxing opened this issue · comments


Your Persisted.nvim config

  require('persisted').setup {
    save_dir = vim.fn.expand(vim.fn.stdpath 'data' .. '/sessions/'),
    autosave = true,
    should_autosave = function()
      vim.notify 'Session saved'
    telescope = {
      reset_prompt_after_deletion = true,

Error messages

No response

Describe the bug

What I expected to be happended

It will pump up my saved session when I use :SessionLoad or :SessionLoadLast or :Telescope persisted

What actually happended

Nothing, I checked the session directory and it's completely empty


Reproduce the bug

  1. run :SessionSave
  2. Reopen neovim
  3. run :SessionLoad (or :SessionLoadLast)
  4. nothing opened

Final checks

  • I have made sure this issue exists in the latest version of the plugin
  • I have tested with the minimal.lua config file above and still get the issue
  • I have used SessionSave to save the session before restarting Neovim and using SessionLoad
  • I have made sure this is not a duplicate issue

should_autosave should return a boolean


Really? lol
Thanks a lot


@ruanyouxing the example in the readme gives a clear example.

If you wish to do any notifying after the session loads I'd recommend the callbacks section.