olimorris / persisted.nvim

💾 Simple session management for Neovim with git branching, autoloading and Telescope support

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[Feature] Allow loading a session by name

akinsho opened this issue · comments


Off the back of #46 something I'm trying to get in order to reach the goal that is a copy of the emacs-dashboard is the ability to load a session on demand without going through the telescope picker i.e. to have a list of session names and then load of those with just the name. I noticed a utils.load but this seems to be the raw logic and perhaps is not intended for use externally?

A command like SessionLoad name/of/my/session@@branch which correctly loads the session just like the telescope plugin does would be ideal.


This is undocumented but there is an API available with require("persisted").list(). It should throw out a table like:

    branch = "main",
    dir_path = ".dotfiles",
    file_path = "/Users/Oli/.local/share/nvim/sessions/%Users%Oli%.dotfiles@@main.vim",
    name = ".dotfiles@@main"
    branch = "main",
    dir_path = "Code/Java/hello_world",
    file_path = "/Users/Oli/.local/share/nvim/sessions/%Users%Oli%Code%Java%hello_world@@main.vim",
    name = "Code/Java/hello_world@@main"
    branch = "main",
    dir_path = "Code/Java/java-sample-app",
    file_path = "/Users/Oli/.local/share/nvim/sessions/%Users%Oli%Code%Java%java-sample-app@@main.vim",
    name = "Code/Java/java-sample-app@@main"

where @@ is the branch separator in my case.


Ah I had discovered that API but didn't realise that I could use the file path with the require('persisted.utils').load(filepath) to load the session right?


Good point, I can add a method to load a specific session!


Closed by #48