olimorris / persisted.nvim

💾 Simple session management for Neovim with git branching, autoloading and Telescope support

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Obsession behavior

timsofteng opened this issue · comments


Hello. Is it possible to load session which is associated with current folder with nvim -S like in obsession?


You can turn autoload to true. Not used Obsession in years so can't recall how that works


You can turn autoload to true. Not used Obsession in years so can't recall how that works

Obsession loads session for current folder with nvim -S and with nvim it doesn't. Is it possible with persisted.nvim?


Obsession loads session for current folder with nvim -S and with nvim it doesn't. Is it possible with persisted.nvim?

No that's not possible. I don't understand your use case and how it differs to using autoload