olimorris / persisted.nvim

💾 Simple session management for Neovim with git branching, autoloading and Telescope support

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Failing to Detect Git Branch Correctly

bnwa opened this issue · comments


I installed persisted.nvim on my experimental dotfiles branch but the plugin still assigns the default branch name (main) to the session entry instead of the name of the branch.

The config is more or less a duplicate of what's in the README:

  use { 'olimorris/persisted.nvim',
        config = function ()
          require('persisted').setup {}
          require('telescope').load_extension 'persisted'

Hey and thanks for raising an issue. It looks like you don't have git branching enabled and hence aren't seeing this reflected.

use_git_branch = true

The plugin appends main to every session unless git tells it otherwise.


LMAO I must've misread the flag as default true, thanks for pointing it out


No problem 😉. There's a very good case for it being on by default tbh!