olimorris / persisted.nvim

💾 Simple session management for Neovim with git branching, autoloading and Telescope support

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Git branch not detected in subdirectories of a git repo

HumblePresent opened this issue · comments

If a session directory is a subdirectory of a git repo rather that the top level directory of the repo, the git branch for the session will not be properly detected because the presence of a .git directory, which only exists in the top level, is used to determine if a directory is tracked in git.


Sorry I'm failing to understand what you mean by this. Can you explain your point with an example directory structure? From what you've said I've inferred the below:

 L .git/
 L code_base/
   L .git/

Sorry I will try to explain with an example. Here is a simple git repo with several subdirectories

  L .git/
  L subdir1/
    L source1.lua
    L source2.lua
  L subdir2/

If I want to create a session only in the subdir1 directory it will not be detected as being tracked by git by this plugin because it does not contain a .git subdirectory. Therefore, the default and potentially incorrect branch name will be appended to its session file name and a new session will not be created when switching to a different branch the way it would with a session in toplevel_dir. PR #22 fixes the issue by detecting git-tracked directories with git rev-parse rather than checing for a .git subdirectory.