olebowle / gnome-shell-timer

A simple timer

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't install in gnome 3.4.1, fedora 17

sethwoodworth opened this issue · comments

I've installed via the method described in the doc, and via the gnome-tweak-tool install package.

If I rename the unpacked folder to timer@olebowle.gmx.com, I can get the extension to show up in gnome-tweak-tool and extensions.gnome.org's installed extensions page. I can click enable in from both places. But no icon appears in my bar, nor do they remain activated when I relaunch gnome-tweak-tool or the installed extensions page. I also tried to enable it using gsettings. The svg icon is in the correct location with the correct settings, and I ran the gtk icon cache update.

The metadata.json nor extensions.js seem to have any recent drastic changes, so I am guessing this is a gnome-shell api change that makes something behave strangely. I also realize this probably isn't enough information to go on, so feel free to ask me to provide additional debug information.

I'm here on Archlinux with gnome-shell 3.4.2 and have no problems.
You might want to have look at the Error Tab in Looking Glass (Alt+F2 --> lg). Maybe there is an error message.
Moreover you need to restart gnome shell after enabling the extension.

aaaah, it's 'lg'. I couldn't remember the debug shortcut.

Schema "org.gnome.shell.extensions.timer" not found

So you obviously didn't install the schema xml-file. Have a look at make.sh script it will give you a hint where to copy it and how to compile it to make it actually work. (line 7-9).

Hey I got it to work. I figured make.sh wasn't for deployment on my machine, but packaging the extension for gnome.org. Thanks for the help, the timer is a huge help to me.

Nice to hear that. Closing.