olearycrew / minecraft-setup

Setup scripts for Minecraft Server Setup

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Setup Scripts for Minecraft Server as Windows Service

This repository contains a script to set up Minecraft Server on Microsoft Windows as service. It has been tested with Windows 8 but should also work for other Windows versions.

The script has been tested for intranet set up, thus to provide a server which can be used by everyone of our family. For guides to make your server available in the internet please consult other documentation which for example describes how to make your changing IP available in the internet.

The following Help Section starts with an description for the advanced user already knowing basics about servers, Java set up etc. For a more detailed description follow Step-by-Step below which hopefully describes all steps so anyone could install the Minecraft Server


The script is actually rather self-explaining providing the following description once you call minecraft help.


minecraft [help|install|remove|edit|start|stop|status|run]


Tool to set up Minecraft Server and install it as a service.

Mind that you first should run Minecraft Server in order to set up the configuration data like server.properties. Then accept the EULA (in eula.txt) and start again just to ensure that the server runs without problems. Install it as a service as soon as the server runs just fine.

Recommended order of steps (run as admin or with UAC turned off):

  1. > minecraft run

    Configuration files will be created in: C:\ProgramData\Mojang\Minecraft

  2. Adapt server.properties, etc. and especially edit eula.txt to accept the End User License Agreement.

  3. > minecraft run

    Start Minecraft Server again just to see that all your configuration works. You can already log in. End server with Ctrl+C or /stop at Minecraft Console if everything is fine.

    You might also want to run some commands (see /help at Minecraft Console) e. g. to set default gamemode or define operators.

  4. > minecraft install

    Install Minecraft Server as Windows service. Service will be installed to start automatically on reboot. You can call this any time again to update the Service configuration (for example if you updated Java).

  5. > minecraft edit

    (Optional) Edit/review Minecraft Server settings.

  6. > minecraft start

    Start Minecraft Server Service.

Other options:

  • > minecraft stop

    Stop Minecraft Server Service

  • > minecraft status

    See if Minecraft Server Service is up and running.

  • > minecraft remove

    Remove Minecraft Server Service


Step by Step

This description is targeted to the beginner to intermediate Windows user. If you feel that the description is not sufficient feel free to drop me a note.

During the installation process you might be asked to provide administrative permissions. As alternative run applications like command line prompt or explorer as administrator.


Non-Sucking Service Manager

This service manager is used to configure and run Minecraft as Windows Service. A Windows Service is capable of starting right at system startup so the obvious advantage is, that you do not have to log in to Windows to make the server available to your intranet.

  1. Download the Non-Sucking Service Manager from https://nssm.cc/download
  2. Unzip and place the nssm-<version> folder into C:\Program Files


  1. Download the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) from https://java.com/download/
  2. Execute the installer and remember the installation path, for example C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_40

Minecraft Server

  1. Download the Minecraft Multiplayer Server JAR (Java Archive) from https://minecraft.net/download

    Remember not to download the executable EXE file but the JAR mentioned later in the download section.

  2. Place the JAR into C:\Program Files\Mojang\Minecraft

Installation Script

  1. Download the installation script

  2. For example place it into the Minecraft folder as used above. Any other folder will do so as well.

  3. Edit and adjust the following settings:

    • MINECRAFT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Mojang\Minecraft

      Set this to the path where you placed the Minecraft Server JAR.


      Set this to the version as given by the JAR filename.

    • MINECRAFT_DATA=C:\ProgramData\Mojang\Minecraft

      This is where the minecraft data (world data, configuration, etc.) will be written to.

    • NSSM_HOME=C:\Program Files\nssm-2.24\win64

      Where to find the nssm.exe matching your operating system, here: 64bit.

    • JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_40

      Where to find the bin\java.exe matching your operating system


  1. Open the Command Line Prompt as Administrator [1]

  2. Change to the folder where you placed the Minecraft set up batch file.

  3. Follow the steps described at the beginning.

  4. > ipconfig

    ipconfig will tell you your IP address. Search for an entry like

    IPv4-Address  . . . . . . . . . . :

    This is the address how to reach your server from other computers in your intranet. It is recommended to set a fixed IP in your router.

  5. Connect to your server by starting Multiplayer Mode and entering the IP determined above.

  6. Have fun!


  1. 5 Ways to Run Programs as Administrator in Windows 7 & Windows


Setup scripts for Minecraft Server Setup


Language:Batchfile 100.0%