oldgalileo / dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

* Dotfiles

** Requirements:
   - tmux 3.2a+
   - neovim 0.7+
   - ripgrep
   - github cli

** NVIM Todo:
   - [ ] Fix illegible highlighting on \` and \[\] characters (maybe more)
   - [ ] Learn more Norg stuff (this todo-list is pretty nifty)
   - [ ] Learn more Treesitter stuff
   - [ ] Add README.norg -> README.md generation once released
   -- [ ] Automate generation from Norg TODO to GitHub issues? (Would be sick 😁)
   - [ ] (Rust) Setup remote debugging (good start from [this VSCode StackOverflow]{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68888706/remote-debug-of-rust-program-in-visual-studio-code})
   - [ ] Visual Mode CTRL-/ for commenting


   The `runtimepath` and `packpath` (usually the same) should be something like ~/.config/nvim

*** Interesting Plugins:
    - https://github.com/glacambre/firenvim -- NVIM in the browser. Probably doesn't work with Orion 😭



Language:Lua 58.2%Language:Shell 40.3%Language:Dockerfile 1.6%