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Fix {{!value}} out when the value is number 0

keel opened this issue · comments


{{!value}} out '' when the value is number 0 or boolean false, but{{=value}} is right, so I think this should be fixed.

I have send a PR, and npm tests passed ,but travis failed by its networking issue, please check.

I would preserve the current behaviour for the sake of backward compatibility. {{!x}} should only be used with strings, if x can potentially be a number, you should use JS expression (e.g. {{!x||''}}) or simple interpolation {{=x}}.

It’s essentially a duplicate of #253

This is IMO a bug. We were searching yesterday the half afternoon for the reason of an issue of our product, and found the problem to be {{! 0 }} resulting in an empty string.

@epoberezkin I think it's fair enough to handle this issue as a bug, as it's not documented and really
not expected. {{! }} should for 0, null, undefined, and NaN IMO behave exactly the same as when using {{= }}, where the according input is stringified.

The documentation even states it like this:

{{= }} for interpolation
{{! }} for interpolation with encoding

I'd go with treating this as bug and fix. @keel's PR behaves differently for undefined then the other falsy values – IMO not really necessary but fine when documented.

If you are strongly against changing the current behavior as a patch version update (i.e. to 1.0.4), I'd suggest to have a new major version, where the behavior is documented and stated as breaking change.

If you want, I'd be happy to assist with a PR for the documentation.


Agree! I fixed the {{! '' + x}} in 67 jst files last time, thats terrible!
Same issue: #170 , #178, #183

@sgruetter it is indeed a breaking change. I agree to release as a patch to 2-beta version that is published - if you prepare PR it should be based on beta branch.

Once published on npm, we can create a link to beta readme from main readme for the visibility.

We could also start a conversation on what should be done do release 2.0 as the main version.