okeeffe / r

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The Rise

Install all dependencies - npm install

Run webpack - npm start, open browser of your choice on http://localhost:3000/

More tasks described in - package.json {'scripts': ...}

###Used technologies

Webpack, Babel 5, React, Redux + devtools, SASS

devtools are possible to enable in (Root component by changing debug prop from 'debug={false}' to 'debug={true}' and then reload browser tab. Every triggered action that is connected to Redux will be shown in the sidebar.

###Technologies to add

Axios (Ajax requests)

###Architectural decisions

I decided to have as much logic as possible, but also considering readability, in parent (Mines) component. That means that props are passed to children components (data-flow parent > children), so the Redux dispatch is in only in parent (in Minesweeper Game). Which makes easier to trace actions and the whole application has higher performance. But in some cases it's better to have more Redux connects for readability and maintainability.

Basic Front-end validation using React's PropTypes. As you can see in files are included basic validations of components. If validation fails then, you can see warning in console.

###File structure Files are structured like parent children components for better orientation.

Example - in /src/components are four main components (Navigation, Content, Chat, Footer). If some of these components has children components then we create a folder with the same name as component. For example Content component has children component Mines. Now you can probably imagine the structure. Just in case there is a "schema"

/Content.js /Content/Mines.js "Mines.js have children so let's add new folder with same name" /Content/Mines/...

If some component is reused in more components then the component is located in the closest directory possible to be accessable. An example is Notification.js

Directory tree to get to Notification.js


If you enter the file you can see that there is comment at the top of the file.

// used in Game/Tile.js

// used in Sidebar/Deposit.js

As we can see the component is two times reused and in is the closest accessable directory for both reusabilities.

This approach makes sense, is easy to follow and from first sight you can recognize if component has children or not. It's also easy to scale appliction with following steps mentioned above.
