oivoodoo / devise_masquerade

Extension for devise, enable login as functionality. Add link to the masquerade_path(resource) and use it.

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Upgrade Problems

Ancez opened this issue · comments


I've encountered several issues with the new updates done to this gem. Could someone explain to me how the new routes are generated? I.e. masquerade_path & the back route. Also, why are these routes now not showing within the rails routes command?

I'm working on an app which uses InertiaJs and now, I have to pass the masquerade_path via the serializer instead of relying on the Inertia $routes.account_masquerade_path.

- redirect_to(new_user_session_path) and return
+ redirect_to(send("new_#{masqueraded_resource_name}_session_path")) and return

CleanShot 2022-03-31 at 11 22 53@2x


@Ancez Hi.

Did you make the upgrade of the gem from what version?

for my test app inside of the gem spec/dummy

rails routes | grep masquerade

       user_masquerade_index GET    /users/masquerade(.:format)            users/masquerades#show
  back_user_masquerade_index GET    /users/masquerade/back(.:format)       users/masquerades#back
 admin_user_masquerade_index GET    /admin_users/masquerade(.:format)      devise/masquerades#show

back_admin_user_masquerade_index GET /admin_users/masquerade/back(.:format) devise/masquerades#back
student_masquerade_index GET /students/masquerade(.:format) devise/masquerades#show
back_student_masquerade_index GET /students/masquerade/back(.:format) devise/masquerades#back

Hi @oivoodoo, thank you for your rapid response. I appreciate it

I'm upgrading from version 1.2.0 to 1.3.1. I've cloned the gem itself to play with the dummy. The dummy works as expected. But regardless of the dummy working; the masquerade#show route from rails routes is incorrect right? Surely it shouldn't be _index, and should include the masquerade :id. To me, it isn't following the Rails standard CRUD routes.

This user_masquerade_index_path is wrong as it doesn't allow the user to be passed to it. Following from the dummy's example, using masquerade_path(user) works, but I don't understand where it's defined, how it's defined and why it is not showing in rails routes - should it be shown there?

Also, the code snipped provided in the Issue description, fixes the devise session so it would be good to get this sorted so this new version actually works for others. This is the main blocking issue preventing me from upgrading this gem.


Hi @Ancez

It's not exactly the show path in this case. URL generated has no id of the user. it's having the encoded value to be used for masquerade.


it's the example of URL. I can rename show route to the other name. Also it is not the CRUD here.

GET /masquerade + query params -> it's making the sign in. it is not the reading operation.

Also, I don't understand the issue mentioned here above.

Could you share more details about the problem and this change that you mentioned?

redirect_to(send("new_#{masqueraded_resource_name}_session_path")) and return

if you mean these changes:


I believe it would use the right URL once if you don't have the resource to sign in, it will redirect back to the new sign in route.

I got the same problem after gem upgrades:

  • gem rails from 5.2.5 to
  • gem devise from 4.6.2 to 4.8.1
  • gem devise_masqurade from 0.6.5 to 1.3.11

before upgrade I had:

                user_masquerade GET      /users/masquerade/:id(.:format)     masquerades#show
     back_user_masquerade_index GET      /users/masquerade/back(.:format)    masquerades#back

after upgrade I have:

          user_masquerade_index GET      /users/masquerade(.:format)          masquerades#show
     back_user_masquerade_index GET      /users/masquerade/back(.:format)     masquerades#back

in routes.rb I have

  devise_for :users, controllers: {
    masquerades: 'masquerades',

So it leads to following result

irb(main):003:0> Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.user_masquerade_path(User.first)
NoMethodError (undefined method `user_masquerade_path' for #<Module:0x00007fd417afd4b0>)
Did you mean?  user_masquerade_index_path

irb(main):004:0> Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.user_masquerade_index_path(User.first)
=> "/users/masquerade.1"

Is it possible to debug difference somehow ? Probably I could help with it?


Change path

  • from Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.user_masquerade_path(user)
  • to Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.user_masquerade_index_path(id: user.to_param, masquerade: user.masquerade_key)
    if you use RailsAdmin or outside of main app

After this do not forget to enable caching to avoid strange behaviours with helper methods

# config/environments/development.rb
  config.action_controller.perform_caching = true

cc @Ancez