ohumkar / Self-Driving-Car

A scaled down version of the self-driving system using OpenCV. The system comprises of - • Raspberry Pi with a webcam and an ultrasonic sensor as inputs, ◦ Steering using move in sdcar.py ◦ Stop sign detection using houghcircles and colour intensities ◦ Front collision avoidance using an ultrasonic sensor • l298N motor controller • project structure: *sdcar.py is a combination of all the following *lane_lines.py: step1.take the webcam feed and apply the canny edge algorithm to detect the edges step2. detect the lines in an edged image using houghlines step3. average the lines according to the slope step4.making points using slope step5. return right, left, camera and central line *sensor.py: distance measurement using input and output pins *sign.py: *detection of circles in image using hough circles *if the dominant colour in a square region around the circle is red then it is stop sign. *if the dominant colour in a square region around the circle is blue then there are 5 cases left, right, forward, forward and right or forward and left for this: • make the 3 zones of square regions the right , left, upper(for forward) • if the right zone is white and the other two are blue then the sum of RGB colour intensities in the right zone will be obviously greater than the other two zones then the sign is right similarly for others. Note : sign.py will work on following type of sign:

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