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eval "$(fzf --zsh)" is failing

pvshingala1997 opened this issue Β· comments

Describe the bug

changes made to file plugins/fzf/fzf.plugin.zsh is failing.

Steps to reproduce

Adding fzf as a plugin which will give result as a invalid option of fzf --zsh

Expected behavior

It should execute thouroughly

Screenshots and recordings


OS / Linux distribution

Windows 11

Zsh version


Oh My Zsh version

master (803e1a7)

Terminal emulator

Windows Terminal Integrated with Cygwin which is configured with zsh

If using WSL on Windows, which version of WSL


Additional context

No response

Hi! What does fzf --version output for you?

It is in cygwin terminal

Yep, your fzf version is really old, and the version formatting changed a bit.

Unable to see update on fzf for cygwin. Will you be releasing any package on cygwin?

I'll submit a patch to cover your corner case, np πŸ‘πŸ»

@pvshingala1997 omz reload should fix your issue πŸ‘πŸ»