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does not create a new line and consumes a lot of CPU resources

intern opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Local mac os system, using iterm2 to ssh connect to remote centos 7 system, ohmyzsh latest version installed on centos 7, encountering issues where pressing ctrl c does not create a new line, and zsh consumes a lot of CPU resources after the connection is disconnected.

Steps to reproduce

Local mac os system, using iterm2 to ssh connect to remote centos 7 system, ohmyzsh latest version installed on centos 7, encountering issues where pressing ctrl c does not create a new line, and zsh consumes a lot of CPU resources after the connection is disconnected.

Expected behavior

Rolling back to a previous version(15ffbdd) resolves the issue, and I haven't tested the versions in between. I'm not sure which version's changes are causing the problem.

Screenshots and recordings

No response

OS / Linux distribution

Mac os 13.52

Zsh version


Terminal emulator


If using WSL on Windows, which version of WSL


Additional context

Please Fix it!

Could you git bisect and discover which commit creates the issue?

Could you git bisect and discover which commit creates the issue?

This issue was caused by changes in this version. I noticed that "-t" was changed to "-T". After reverting this modification to "-t" on the master branch, the issue did not occur.

@intern could you update to the latest omz master and see if it is fixed for you? Try it with no modifications and without disabling async prompt!