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Prompt string always showing [_omz_git_prompt_info] after update

lorenzotenti opened this issue Β· comments

Describe the bug

After updating to master (6d0362e), my prompt string looks like this:

➜  ~ [_omz_git_prompt_info]

If I enter a git project folder, it shows the git information correctly, and the [_omz_git_prompt_info] disappears, but as soon as I run another command, the [_omz_git_prompt_info] is back.

Steps to reproduce

Run omz update (master (6d0362e) on an Apple M2 Pro with macOS 14.2.1 (23C71)

Expected behavior

The prompt string should behave as usual, showing no information in normal folders and git branches in git folders.

Screenshots and recordings

No response

OS / Linux distribution

macOS 14.2.1 (23C71)

Zsh version


Terminal emulator


If using WSL on Windows, which version of WSL


Additional context

No response

Hey! I'm not able to reproduce. I guess it comes from here. Are you using ksharrays? You can figure it out by echo $options[ksharrays].

Not sure, here's the output:

➜  ~ [_omz_git_prompt_info]echo $options[ksharrays]
zsh: no matches found: off[ksharrays]
➜  ~ [_omz_git_prompt_info]echo $options

Could you share your zshrc and zshenv (if present)?

I can reproduce the issue with ksharrays enabled. Let's see if there's any other option that triggers it.

The zshrc is basically the default one. But I just realised the problem get fixed if I remove a script that's sourced at the end of the zshrc.

In this script (which is based on https://github.com/samjsmart/bash-aws-helper/blob/master/zsh_aws_helper.sh) we enable ksharrays.

Fixed! Thanks for the report (it should work now even if ksharrays) is enabled.

omz update fixed it indeed! Thanks a lot!