oh-my-fish / oh-my-fish

The Fish Shell Framework

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Unusable shell prompt after installation

thorstenkampe opened this issue · comments

The oh-my-fish installation sets the default theme after installation which uses the right prompt to display the clock (probably if there is no right prompt defined). This leads to an unusable shell on Windows with ConEmu and on Linux with GNOME Terminal (see fish-shell/fish-shell#4306).

The underlying issue here is, I think, that the oh-my-fish installer should not enable any kind of theme until specifically asked (when a user installs a theme and oh-my-fish enables it, it is fine).

Looks very similar to #534

It sucks, but these things happen.
Since this is a severe fish bug that can occur in many other configurations - not just with OMF's default theme - I'd rather wait and let it play out.

Unless fish decides to retire all right prompts, or announces that it's going to take a long while to fix, I think default should stay as a theme. Having the theme change immediately when a user just tries fish and omf for the first time is exciting and one of OMF's "marketing" to make the user experiment with other themes and even publishing her own. To this day, seeing the default theme after just setting up fish and omf on a new setup always gives me the warm feeling of arriving home.

With that being said, what do you guys think on adding a PSA to the top of the README that describes the problem and suggests a simple fix? (something that can be done from bash or a file manager)

I'd propose we add a "Known issues" piece to the docs and list it there. Even though it is not our issue, it might be the first place users look when they encounter some sort of issue like this.

This is not our issue, and we've now added a note in the README concerning this Fish bug.

Hi there! I think the "Known issues" in the README should be more visible, maybe at the begining. I understand it is not your issue but as a new user of fish/omf, I would like to notice the issue to be aware and also understand how to fix it. Maybe a note on how to fix/workaround it with another theme would be appreciated. Thanks :)

P.S. Does a downgrade of fish would solve the problem?


Due to a regression bug in fish 2.6 with some terminal emulators, right prompts make the shell unusable. OMF's default theme features a right prompt, so it's necessary to use an alternative theme until a fix is released. (see #541)

I am using MSYS2 + Cmder on Windows 7 and tried downgrading gradually fish until fish 2.1.2 and did not solved the problem :( Could you please recommend a theme that works? Thx!!


Is this bug still present in the 2.7.1 version of fish, if not please update the Readme file with that information!

Unfortunately I don't think anyone on the core team here use Windows so we are unable to test it.


tried downgrading gradually fish until fish 2.1.2

Oh My Fish supports only Fish 2.2.0 or newer.

I noticed this issue with Linux, but was somehow able to get it to go away. Unfortunately, I don't recall exactly what I did to fix it, though. I think it might have had something to do with font settings.

A couple years later but, I ran into this as well on Manjaro. Maybe it will help others.

What I did to fix it was, I uninstalled oh-my-fish and the Tide theme as well. Then I installed oh-my-fish (first this time; instead of the theme first) and finally I installed Tide theme again after installing oh-my-fish. Seems to have addressed the issue and my prompt is in the correct location.

oh-my-fish Version 7
Tide v3.2.0