ogham / Rust-BBEdit

Rust language module for BBEdit

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Black highlighting

bklebe opened this issue · comments

It seems the default highlighting for a few functions is black, making it unreadable on dark color schemes. What scheme are you using?

I use a light colour scheme, but I think I know the issue - the colours reset to black when you change the scheme? This seems to be a BBEdit issue, as I have a BBLMRunColors dict that sets them the first time, but any other colour schemes don't have them, so they just get set to black. I'm not sure what to do about this :(

Even after you change the colours in Preferences -> Text Colors, they just reset to black?

It's not so much that they reset to black but that they never appear to be anything else to me. It's impossible to read. Here's the problem:
screen shot 2015-05-06 at 8 03 10 pm

Yeah, that's what I get too - the built-in colour schemes don't have these colours defined, so they just get set to black instead. You need to click on the rectangles to open the colour pickers, and then you can set them to colours that match your scheme.

Sorry if you knew that already. It might be worth e-mailing Bare Bones to apply the BBLMRunColors colours if they aren't present in the scheme. (I'm pretty sure I've got it set up correctly in the plist)

This was in the 11.1.1 release notes:

Fixed bug in which custom color schemes were written out incorrectly, so that their settings did not appropriately override built in defaults.

Maybe this fixes it?

No, that doesn't seem to have fixed it. That's referring to themes, not to CLMs such as this one.

Dang :(